Adi Werthman

Adi Werthman

About Adi

Adi Werthman is known amongst clients and peers for her integrity and goal-oriented mentality. A salesperson at heart, prior to joining Carolwood Estates, Adi served as Director of Sales & Product Development for multiple companies, and as an analyst for Merrill Lynch and The Disney Company. She has comprehensive knowledge of the art of buying and selling, negotiating for the best deal, and sensitivity to customer satisfaction. Working alongside Fortune 500 companies, Adi has a strong grasp on the importance of finding the best product at the right time, and maximizing her client’s investments.

With a fundamental understanding, that buying or selling a property is a transaction that shapes a person’s life, and with an eye for style and creativity, Adi keeps the focus on her clients’ wishes and needs. She has closed transactions that have left her clients speechless, whether due to various obstacles she succeeded in overcoming, or due to the profitability generated for her investors.

Adi holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a finance emphasis from the University of Southern California (USC). She has strong ties in the communities of Beverly Hills and Beverlywood, and is a member in several organizations. She strongly believes that the best way of personally knowing and serving your community is being an active part of it.

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