Damaso Lara

Damaso Lara

About Damaso

Damaso was born in Zacatecas City, Mexico and moved here at the age of 5. Spending most of his youth in Los Angeles he has deep knowledge of all of LA. He knows the city very well and is able to Navigate all angles from food, culture, locations, attractions ,and prominent neighborhoods. 

Damaso specializes in the purchasing and selling of high-end residential properties. He has an extensive client base featuring those who seek the luxury lifestyle including business owners, celebrities, friends and family. He works with integrity, curiosity, and always provides an exciting and valuable experience for all his clients. His in depth market knowledge, deal experience, and working with all kinds of clients sets him apart. 

Damaso’s seller focused business lets him leverage his tools to take advantage of his craft. His  door knocking ability allows him to learn and understand what goes on in every street he has clients in. This gives him an edge over the competition with off market sales. Damaso has a lot to share when it comes to listing property and helping owners understand the game plan. His experience allows his clients to feel trusted, valued, and happy to be working with a young professional. 

When he isnt working he loves chasing powder in the mountains, lifting weights, or relaxing by the beach with friends and family. He also spends a lot of time behind the flame making delicious food. He is an adventure seeker so don't be surprised if you see him on your next skydiving trip or in the water jet skiing. 

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